CAMS Athletics Meeting and Athlete Check-in

There is a mandatory CAMS Athletics meeting on Monday, August 21 at 5 p.m. in the MS gym. We will hand out UIL paperwork and go over expectations, logistics, and contracts. If you have any questions, this will be the perfect time to ask! 
Athlete Check In:
Check in will directly follow the meeting. Check in is a time for all athletes to fill out and turn in mandatory UIL paperwork, their current physical, and the CAMS Athletic Contract. All physicalscontracts, and UIL paperwork will be due at this time. The UIL paperwork and our contract requires information and signatures from both the parent and student in order to participate. These documents will be handed out during the meeting and are due by the end of Open House (8:00 PM on 8/21). Students who do not turn in their physical, contract, and UIL paperwork will not be allowed to participate in athletics. 
What you need to bring:
Student in Athletics
Student's current physical 
Insurance information 
What is due that night:
- current physical
- UIL paperwork
- signed CAMS Athletics Contract 