CAMS Neon Dance - Friday, October 6 from 6-9 p.m.

Wear your neon colors or solid whites!

$5 entry at the door, or purchase a ticket the Wednesday-Friday before the dance and get a coupon for a free concession stand item at the dance. 

Concession items will be sold during the dance. $1 for each item -
candy, drinks, chips, cookies, and pizza.

FREE dance pass if you bring a 12 pack of drinks (one of the following: Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Coke, Sprite, Root Beer). Drinks must be turned in to office before Wednesday, October 4. First/last name and grade must be on drinks so a dance pass can be delivered to the student.
Admission is for Cumberland Academy Middle School students and parent volunteers only. Students that receive an office referral the week of the dance will not be allowed to attend.